Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Root Obsession

After spending time clearing old jasmine plants from the front yard, making way for the new patio, I couldn't help taking pictures of the intricate underbelly of the plants. Beautiful intertwining webs of branches from the big ball of each plant. These are the beginning studies of those branches and experiments with different colors. I'm thinking in the end they will make fabulous multi-plate woodblock prints. Hmmmmm.


Unknown said...

Nicole: I think back of the years of landscape maintenance and demolition I used to do and rare was the occasion that I beheld the beauty of the remnants. Good of you to be able to partition off the hard, sweaty work and see the natural beauty that's left.

Nicely written and beautifully captured.


Is this the illustrious Billy Goodnick? Thanks for the compliment and also for the link to my blog on your site.

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