Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Worktable Wednesday - Printing Again

At long last, the sun. I was beginning to lament that we would be socked in fog for another 4 weeks so I high tailed it up to the mountains where I was sure to be able to expose my SUN plates so that I could start printing.

Sure enough, the second day home it's been nothing but beautiful, bright shining days. Still, I have plates to print which makes me happy. Dog prints no less. I do have more landscape images in the works but the dog obsession has not diminished one iota, so why not... dog prints!


Judy Neunuebel said...

Nicole, Love the dog print idea. What kinds of prints? Etching? Monotype?


these are photopolymer plates.. find out more at

basically a photo sensitive polymer that when exposed in sunlight can create an "etched" plate.

it's not quite the same product as traditional etching but it's far less toxic.

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