Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things to do, places to be

Two new shows opening the first week of October.

Small Images 2010
25th Anniversary
on exhibit from October 1-29

Opening Reception: Friday, October 1, 5–7pm

Rooted 7.5x7.5" embroidery & encaustic
©2010 N Strasburg

The ingathering brought 320 entries from 159 artists.
A total of 87 artworks were selected for the
25th Small Images exhibition.

The juror was Thomas Lawson, artist, writer,
and Dean of the School of Art at the
California Institute for the Arts

Atkinson Gallery
Santa Barbara City College
Humanities Building
721 Cliff Drive


Twilight Estuary 14x30"
oil on birch panel ©2010 N Strasburg

Santa Barbara County Arts Commission and
County Park Foundation

present Art Inspired by the County Parks
A juried exhibition curated by Scott Canty

Channing Peake Gallery
1st Floor County Administration Building
105 East Anapamu St.

Reception in conjunction with First Thursday events
October 7th, 2010 from 5-8pm

Low Tide 7x5" Collagraph
©2010 N Strasburg

Winter Shoreline 36x48"
oil on birch panel ©2010 N Strasburg

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Press Release from Tracey Morris ...

So some of you know, but now all of you know, I've been cooking up a little project with Nicole Strasburg to raise some funds for the Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative's Artist Grants. I'm really excited at how it's turning out, we have a wonderful solar plate etching from Nicole that will be available via the Arts Collaborative's site on October 1 - AND IT'S ONLY $50! So cool! (scroll down to see it)

There are a limited number of subscriptions to the project - you can get all 13 prints for only $550. If you're interested contact me here on FB or at

Campus Point Rock Pools by Nicole Strasburg
Solar plate etching printed with mixed black ink

Here's the whole deal:

Beginning October 1, 2010, California Arts Day

Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative and Santa Barbara Printmakers

Limited Edition

One year, one artist per month, one print in an edition of twenty-five

Participating Santa Barbara Printmakers
Nicole Strasburg, October 2010
Pamela Zwehl Burke, November 2010
Marie Schoeff, December 1 2010
Carolyn Hubbs, December 15 2010
Nina de Creeft Ward, January 2011
Teresa Zepeda, February 2011
Valori Fussell, March 2011
Dug Uyesaka, April 2011
Libby Smith, May 2011
Rafael Perea de la Cabada, June 2011
Michael Jameson, July 2011
Nina Warner, August 2011
Stephanie Dotson, September 2011

Subscriptions available now! Get all 13 prints for $550, or one each month for $50 – with a bonus print on December 15.

There are a limited number of subscriptions available. Please contact Tracey Morris for more info traceyamorris[at]

Sale of individual prints begins in October 2010.

Proceeds benefit the Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative Direct-to Artist Grants.

The Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative is an inclusive group of artists and arts supporters committed to sustaining and growing all forms of the arts in Santa Barbara . SBAC welcomes all to participate in the focused support of individual artists and arts organizations that contribute to the unique cultural ecology of our community.

We are: Actors, Arts Professionals, Arts Supporters, Dancers, Directors, Designers, Musicians, Filmmakers, Poets, Visual Artists, Writers, and everyone who wishes to collaborate and sustain the arts in Santa Barbara.

The Santa Barbara Printmakers are a group of artists dedicated to promoting and producing art work that uses hand and press printing techniques for the purposes of artistic exploration and expression. Images by artists in this group have been made with printing processes that include: etching, monotype, woodblock, collagraph, linocut, clay, lithography and digital programming. Santa Barbara Printmakers provides exhibition opportunities several times a year, as well as information about printmaking activities in the Santa Barbara area via their website, blog and email list serve. Its membership encompasses both emerging and established artists.

California Arts Day was created by the California Arts Council and established by Proclamation of the Governor. It takes place the first Friday of October every year during National Arts & Humanities Month.

Arts Day began not only as a celebration of creativity; in its first year it was part of the healing process after the tragedies of September 11, 2001 and served as an opportunity for Californians to re-connect with their communities and affirm humanity's finer instincts.

The purpose of Arts Day is to demonstrate the role and value of arts and culture throughout California . The California Arts Council has encouraged the celebration of Arts Day by working to make this a commonly recognized annual celebration using two simple messages:

•The arts are important - economically, socially, and educationally.
•The arts are everywhere.

Arts Day has been celebrated in many ways during the last several years—from music festivals, free museum admissions and free nights at performing arts venues, to arts advocacy rallies, advertisements, contests and newspaper columns. It is an opportunity for Californians to appreciate and experience the power and influence of the arts in all aspects of our lives—building communities, bridging cultures and celebrating diversity.
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