The Santa Barbara Printmakers in collaboration with
the Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative are thrilled to present
a special offer of limited edition prints.
a special offer of limited edition prints.

The Deal
One print from a different artist each month, for 12 months, starting October 2010.
The prints are $50 each in a limited edition of 25. They will be available on the 1st of each month with a bonus print on December 15.
Proceeds benefit the Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative Direct-to-Artist Grants.
Prints can be picked up at Frame, 901 De la Vina Street (corner of Canon Perdido) during regular business hours or mailed for an additional shipping charge.
November's Print by Pamela Zwehl-Burke
Grace Under Fire
"A sleeping cat is a touchstone for reconsidering how to be peaceful in the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may appear."
Image size 7" x 10"
Paper size 22" x 15" (halfsheet)
Paper is somerset 100% rag
Charbonnel soft black ink
Solar intaglio
edition of 25
About Pamela Zwehl-Burke:
Forever interested in what the natural world means, Pamela Zwehl-Burke has spent many years looking, to encode and decode visual matters. She learned (at the Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste, Kassel, Staatliches Seminar, Goettingen (both Germany), California State University, Northridge and the University of Southern California) and then taught (at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Santa Barbara City College) drawing, figure drawing, printmaking, design and artists' books. After years of helping others to unfold their skills and visions, she (retired since 2008)now takes time and opportunity to pursue her own.
Her work manifests in a variety of scale, format and material, but the intention and subject is for the most part commonplace visual experience re-seen and re-excerpted: animal, vegetable, mineral, and their "stories". Seeing is as much the subject as the seen.
She lives with partner Harold McHugh and many animals in Santa Ynez. Interactions with two daughters and their daughters, friends, as well as the beloved extended family, richen her life.
To purchase GO TO: SB Arts Collabortive
There are still prints available from October's edition by Nicole Strasburg (yours truly).